Wednesday 6 April 2011

Drum Animations..

I looked on YouTube for other animations that people have done already, to get a bit of inspiration and to see how other people have approached using drums in an animation so I don't do mine the same as well.

This one caught my eye first because it looked so simple..

Now obviously these are not the same kind of drums I am working with, but it's still an example of how someone else has made an animations with drums along to a beat. I really like the simplicity of the lines coming off each drum when he hits it to indicate the sound. This is maybe something I could also use in mine if I wanted to indicate that the drum is being hit and making the sound that you are hearing?

Then I came across this one, which is very different. For a start is it clearly computer generated. I like how the animator has managed to get the figures hitting the drums with their heads just at the right times. This is a good example of getting the animation to go in time with a piece of music.

I have put this video up too, because there is a bit at 36 seconds onwards that I like the technique of. It is basically done the same kind of way I would like to try and do my own.. with drawn line appearing. The rest of this video is a bit weird, but also still another example of how someone else has made an animation for a song.

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