Tuesday 5 April 2011

RAYOGRAMS part two...

Today we didn't have a session as such, but the dark room was booked for us ALL DAY to go in and do some more rayograms if we so wish.. and I did! I still had a lot of paper left so I went nuts and did loads!

But first I thought I would try out actually using this rayograms to start looking at putting together an animation.. I just used a couple of playmobil people...

This is without all the little movements in between, it is just the story line. Basic. Boy gives girl a flower. For some reason the first one looks slightly darker black than the other two, although I think this is probably to do with exposure time, as I did play about changing the time with a few of my photos.

The pens look good, like an x-ray, because the plastic was quite clear it let the light through a lot more!

I like this one as it's like the hand is saying STOP! It's good that it's bold, I used a 20 second exposure for this I think, that's why the black is so dark and the line is so crisp.

I really like how this little tape has come out too.. it's a lot more like an x-ray than the others.

I really how the detail of the feather has come out, that's why I used it in a few, to see if I could play around with it a bit more.

I wanted to see what it would look like as a sort of background, and how well an object on top of it would come out. The lines on the keys aren't that sharp, but I still like the image anyway.

This is my keys, with a key ring that a friend made it, it's a strawberry teapot! and I love how it has come out so well!

I LOVE this one.. not only do I love the feather, but look at how the bobbles on the fanta bottle have come out! It's like when the line shined through the plastic it gave off a strange type of shadow that has made the bottle look AWESOME. What would glass look like?

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